Learn what they don't teach you in business school. 

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The fundamental importance of value creation.

Sure, you can learn some nuts and bolts in business school, but you’ll be missing the most essential ingredient in a successful business: value creation. Master this and you can reach heights you can scarcely dream of now. The best way to master it? This course, which has my highest endorsement.

-Tom Woods

Creating value for customers is the purpose of all businesses and every business at every scale. When you create value, everything else that’s important follows: revenue, profit, brand trust, expansion and growth.  

Value creation is not much taught in business school. Curt Carlson, Ph.D., Professor of Practice, Northeastern University and Distinguished Executive in Residence, WPI and former CEO of SRI, the most successful innovation company in the world, said this on LinkedIn:

Today's professionals usually lack expertise in value creation. These skills are provided in only a small fraction of university business schools and even fewer companies. 

The lack of these value creation skills and mindsets is at the root of today's widespread innovation failures.

Improving our value creation methods and helping professionals master them stands as society's most critical unmet need.

Business schools focus on business administration: planning on spreadsheets, finance and accounting, organization and the like. They teach business processes and methods, but not what’s really important. 

The key is the value creator mindset. Without the right mindset, the right mental models, the effectiveness of any set of processes and methods is dimmed.

The mindset starts with customer understanding, and the most important business tool – and most important skill for all businesspeople to cultivate – empathy. Empathic diagnosis of customer needs guides design, marketing, and sales, while opening up productive pathways for profitable innovation. The system flows on this riverbed of value creation.

All business roles, from engineering to accounting, can benefit from the application of the value creation mindset.

Course Composition


✔️  A complete presentation of the principles of entrepreneurial value creation, the driving force of all markets.

✔️  11 modules plus 11 mental models capsule.

✔️  Video presentations from multiple business school professors and business consultants.

✔️  Accompanying texts, graphics, process maps and tools for each module.

✔️  An assessment of understanding for each module.

✔️  Online, self-paced learning.

Entrepreneurial value creation is the timeless skillset for a highly productive business career.


Whatever the changes in the technological, cultural or regulatory environments, value creation always applies.

Business owners and founders, executives, team leaders and members all perform at higher levels when they are skilled at value creation.

Value Creators

Only $199

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